Monday 1 February 2010

I don't do New Year's Resolutions

The 1st of January always seems to early to begin New Year's Resolutions. I'm usually still in the grip of Christmas, not yet back at work after the festivities, and feeling like lounging about on the couch for a while. Certainly not prime resolution time.

February, now, February is a totally different matter. The depression of January is over, the lull that inevitably follows Christmas. And all the tediously earnest resolutions that enter my head in January have begun to quietly pick up their coats and go. So I'm left with the good ones - the ones I really want to do, the ones that I have more chance of sticking with.

And so, more for my own accountability, here they are, my February Resolutions:

- Blogging. I want to do more. I have ideas, I have things to write. I just need to get over the feeling that I'm talking to a vacuum... or embrace it. Will I say one post a fortnight, just to get started?

- Knitting:

  • Ravelymics. Fiddlehead mittens. I shall say little more, except that I will be very very pleased with myself if I complete them in the allotted time.
  • A garment, for me. Possibly finish Rogue, or move on to something else.

- Other stuff

  • Exercise. One class a week and possibly one visit to the pool. And walking Little Whirlwind to creche.
  • Writing. Start again. The ideas have started poking at my brain and my fingers are getting itchy to start again. So I shall. I think.
  • French. The less said about my current ability the better. When your two and a half year old corrects your pronunciation, you know something is up...

So that's it. Not New Year's Resolutions, but some nice February goals...


UnderMeOxter said...

Well for starters, you're not speaking into a vacuum coz I'm here at least. (Some might argue there's little difference tee hee!)
I quite agree with skipping January. There's nothing like the start of Feb to lighten the mood and start thinking of the future with hope.
They all sound like realistic goals - which is the main thing.

Viola said...

:) It's good to know that there's someone out there!

Wouldn't it be nice to skip January every year...?